I wrote my first play aged twelve. It was called 'Blessed are the Cursed' and, thankfully, it has been lost in the mists of time (/my parents' increasingly squirrel-ruled attic).
Luckily that was the last of my ominous-sounding pre-teen angst fests and since then I have written some much better plays, comedy shows and an opera.
I am an adaptable writer and thrive off new challenges and mixing up genres; in particular I think comedy and drama are the best of friends.
Delia. D. - Contact - Tandem Theatre - 2022
The Haunting of Sutton House - Sutton House - 2022
Frankenstein - Sutton House - 2018
Dracula - Sutton House - 2017
Duet - Re:Sound, Oxford Lieder Festival - Wilton’s Music Hall, UK Tour - 2016
After Party - Re:Sound, Oxford Lieder Festival, Buxton Fringe - 2014-2015
Winner of ‘Best New Writing’ Buxton Fringe 2015
The Mortals in the House - The Gaskell House - 2012
To be read at dusk - Manchester Literature Festival - 2012
Punch & Judy - Pleasance Theatre, Arcola Theatre - 2012

Sleeping Beauty? - Zoom - 2020
The Snow Queen Returns - Zoom - 2020
The Case of the Missing Monsters - Dorich House - 2016-17
Beauty and the Beast - Sutton House - site-specific, 2016
Finalist for OFFIES 2016
The Snow Queen - Sutton House - 2015
The Phoenix and the Carpet - Sutton House - 2014
Five Children and It - Abney Park/Wilderness Festival - 2013-2014
Winner of ThreeWeeks Editor’s Award 2016
zazUtinany - Comedy game show - Soho Theatre/Underbelly - 2018-20
zazU: Raisins to Stay Alive - Soho Theatre/Gilded Balloon - 2016-17
zazU: A Fete Worse Than Death - Soho Theatre/Pleasance - 2015-17
zazU: The Beginning - Soho Theatre/Underbelly - 2014 & 2017
NewsRevue - Edinburgh/Christmas/1st Run 2013 - 2013-2015

The Mayflower Story - Stile antico - 2020
Thousand Furs: The Midnight Stories - Re:Sound -
Aldeburgh Music/Tete a Tete Festival - 2015
Enchanted Stories - Storystock - Selfridges - 2014
I’ll Wait - The Vaults - 2020
The Love and Devotion of Ridley Smith - Old Red Lion Theatre - 2014
Production Assistant & Script Reader - Arcola Theatre - 2010-2012